Harper Lee: The Silent Salute for You

Though I knew this day would come, my heart still stopped when one of my students ran into my classroom this morning and told me the news that Harper Lee had passed.

I have a hard time articulating how deeply her words meant to me when I first read To Kill a Mockingbird as a junior in high school. There was something about her narrative style that I hadn't read before and I was addicted. It was the only book we read as part of a curriculum that I wanted to buy for myself. I did, and I continued to re-read it every year until I was hired to teach sophomore English and could re-read it several times each year. It still remains a favorite after all these years.

While I am saddened that I will never have the opportunity to meet or see my literary hero, I am glad that Nelle Harper Lee died peacefully in her sleep and lived a full, happy, quiet life.

Three-Finger Silent Salute Harper Lee
Her legacy of tolerance will live on as her words continue to inspire generation after generation. The silent salute to you, Harper Lee.

Harper Lee quote www.traceeorman.com

Harper Lee quote www.traceeorman.com

Harper Lee quote www.traceeorman.com

R.I.P. Nelle Harper Lee
April 28, 1926 - February 19, 2016