Showing posts with label GAFE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GAFE. Show all posts

Asking Questions & Reusing Posts in Google Classroom™

Create Questions and Reuse Posts in Google Classroom™

How to Create Questions and Reuse Posts in Google Classroom™

This is the fourth blog post in my Google Classroom™ tutorial series. I sincerely hope my step-by-step directions and examples have helped you set up your own classes and assignments to use with your students. Google Classroom™ is an excellent way to share digital content and interact with students in a safe and secure way. If your school has not created a FREE G Suite for Education account yet, encourage your administration to do so. It is well worth it no matter if you are using Chrome Books, iPads, laptops, desktop PCs, or students are bringing their own devices. Google Classroom™ is available on both Android® and Apple®/iPhone™ platforms. 

Today I'm going to show you how to use the "Create question" and "Reuse post" options when you click (or hover over) the plus (+) sign in your class stream. 


The "question" feature in Google Classroom™ is a nice option when you want to survey or poll your students, start an online discussion, and/or check for understanding and comprehension.  It is a perfect tool to use for a bell ringer or exit slip (quick 5-minute assessments to refresh, review, quiz, and/or survey your students). The only drawback is you can only ask one question, so if you have additional questions you want to ask, use a form in Google Forms™ instead.

To create a question, hover over the plus (+) sign and select "Create question." A pop-up window will appear that looks like this:

Tutorial to create a question in Google Classroom™

You'll need to decide the following in the drop-down menus:
  2. Do you want to post the question to certain students or the entire class (if you are sharing with multiple classes, you must post to ALL students)?
  3. When is your due date? (If you are using this as a bell ringer or exit slip and you want it done before students leave your class, make sure to set the time as well as the date.)*
  4. Do you want to tag this question with a topic?

*If a student is absent, you can assign this question to that student only when he/she returns. You'll want to follow the "Reuse post" direction below to do that.

TIP: If you need a refresher for decisions 1-4, see my previous posts.

Next, you will want to decide the following:
  5. Is your question a short answer or multiple choice question?

  6. (For short answer questions only) Do you want students to respond to their classmate's answers or not? This is good if you want students to be able to share their thoughts for an online discussion-type question. However, if you are assessing them on what they know or remember, you will NOT want them to see other students' responses.

Create a question in Google Classroom™
Short-answer options when posting a question in Google Classroom™.

  7. (For short answer questions only) Do you want students to be able to edit their answers? If it's not an assessment, you should probably allow it. If it is an assessment, then you won't want them changing their answers after they've submitted them. (See below for the option that comes up if you choose a multiple choice question.) 

After you've made those decisions, go ahead and type your question. Here are a couple examples using both types of questions:

Create a question in Google Classroom™
Example of a short-answer question in Google Classroom™.

Create a question in Google Classroom™
Multiple choice options when posting a question in Google Classroom™.

When you choose multiple choice (above), you will be given numbered answer options. You will also be asked if you want your students to be able to see a summary of their classmates' responses.

Create a question in Google Classroom™
Decide whether or not you want students to see a summary of their classmates' responses.

Again, if you are assessing them, it's probably wise to turn that off. But if you would like for them to see the results (as a discussion starter or to see poll results), make sure to allow this. It will show them right in the post how other students have responded. 

Here's another example from the students' point-of-view:
Question responses in Google Classroom™
Students will see this when a multiple-choice question is asked.

Question responses in Google Classroom™
Students can see how their classmates answered and comment on the post.
Question responses in Google Classroom™
The teacher will see a summary of the students' responses in the left column.
Clicking on each student will show individual results.

TIP: If you wish to ask more than one question, use Google Forms™ rather than the "Create question" feature. In Google Forms™, you can ask multiple questions and even vary the question types (i.e. have a few short answer, a few multiple choice, and offer checkbox-style questions for multiple answers). Leave me a comment below if you'd like to see a tutorial on making a form to use in Classroom™.

Here's a video tutorial for creating a question in Google Classroom™:

Reusing a post means exactly what it says: you can choose to copy a previous post rather than retype it all over again. This comes in handy when you forget to share an assignment, announcement, or question with multiple classes. It's also handy for copying posts from year-to-year. Since you will want to create a new class each year, you can just use "Reuse post" to copy those same assignments you gave in previous years.

To do so, you just select the "Reuse post" when you hover over the plus (+) sign:

Reuse a post in Google Classroom™

A pop-up window will appear that asks you which post from the current class you'd like to reuse. You can select a post OR click on the arrow in the top left corner to select a different current or archived class.
Reuse a post in Google Classroom™

If you click on the arrow, it will take you to a list of all your current and archived classes:

Reuse a post in Google Classroom™

Once you select a class to choose from, you go back to a screen that shows all the posts from that class. If the post has an attachment, make sure to check the box in the lower left corner that says "Create new copies of all attachments." If you don't click that box, none of the attachments will be saved in your class folder in Google Drive™, nor will your students have their own copies of the attachments.
Reuse a post in Google Classroom™

When you select the post to reuse by clicking on the "REUSE" blue button, you are given the same type of options as normal for posting:

Reuse a post in Google Classroom™

You'll need to make the same decisions as you do with any normal posting. It will then appear as any other post in your class stream.

Here's a video tutorial for reusing a post:

Thank you for visiting. I hope my tips have been helpful for you and your students.
My next post will walk you through the "Calendar" and "To-Do" features in Google Classroom™.

If you have additional topics you'd like to see me cover, please comment below. 

Here are ALL of my Google Classroom™ posts:

Tips for secondary teachers on how you should set up your classes (pros and cons of having one Classroom per subject or one Classroom per class period).

Google Classroom Tips

Includes tips and tutorials for creating new classes; customizing the look of your classes; adding new materials/online text; adding students; and adding co-teachers, teacher aides, or access for special education teachers. 

Includes tips and tutorials for creating assignments, announcements, and topics. Also has tips on how to save and delay posting and collecting work for students.

Includes tips and tutorials for creating questions, the types of questions available (multiple choice & short answer), allowing students to interact and respond to one another, and how to easily reuse posts from class to class and year to year.

To see all my previous (and future) posts on navigating Google Classroom™, click below:

Google Classroom™ tips from a veteran teacher user

Google Classroom™ is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Brand Permissions. 

Creating Assignments in Google Classroom™

Creating and Posting Assignments in Google Classroom™

Creating and Posting Assignments, Announcements, and Questions in Google Classroom™

Now that you've set up your classes and invited your students to join them, it's time to start posting content. Your class "stream" will look like this (make sure you have the "Stream" tab selected in the middle of the header):

Creating and Posting Assignments in Google Classroom™

When you click on the plus (+) sign in the lower right-hand corner, your options for posting appear:

How to post an announcement in Google Classroom™

Posting options in Google Classroom™

Google Classroom gives you four options for the types of content to post: an Announcement, Assignment, Question, or Reuse a Post. In this post, I'll discuss Announcements and Assignments with examples. In my next post, I'll cover posting a Question and Reusing a post.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Use this to announce to your class any important or pertinent information, reminders, supplemental materials to help them, etc. You can use this feature right away to welcome students to your online classroom and give them any class news, instructions, advice, or whatever. Share a link to a vocabulary list in Quizlet or No Red Ink assignment (more on that below). I also used "Announcement" to share funny memes or videos related to our unit of study.

Example of an announcement in Google Classroom™

After you click on the "Create announcement" choice, a pop-up window appears, which looks like this:

Posting an announcement in Google Classroom™

You have several decisions to make: Decide if you want to share it with just the one class or multiple classes. If you want it to be shared with multiple classes, click on the drop-down menu for the class and you can check off the other classes you want to share with.

Selecting classes for posting in Google Classroom™

Another option is if you want to just share with certain students. For example, if three students were absent from class and you want to share some lecture notes with them, you can select just those three from that drop-down menu. If you choose this option, you can NOT share the announcement with other classes; you'll have to go into each one and create a new announcement for individuals from those classes. Normally when you click on "All students," a list of your students will come up. (The screenshot below was taken before students joined the class.)

Selecting students for posting in Google Classroom™

TIP: You can also create "Topics" for your announcements or assignments. These are like tags that will allow you to click on the tag and find all the other posts under that topic. Example topics you could use might be for different units of study (a specific novel, short stories, argument writing, poetry, etc.), or for general topics of study (reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, etc.), types of work in class (bell ringer, homework, essay, reading assignment, etc.), or for time periods (1st quarter, 2nd quarter, or September, October, etc.). Whatever you choose, just remember that you can only choose ONE topic per posting, so make it something that will make sense for your students (or you) to use as a tag.

Creating New Topics in Google Classroom™

Watch this video on creating topics using the "Topics" sidebar:

After you have decided on a topic (and you don't have to--I didn't use them at all my first year), you will notice there are options below on whether you want to attach a document or link. The icons represent attaching a file (paperclip), attaching a file from Google Drive™, linking to a YouTube video (play button), and adding a link from the web:

Options for attachments in Google Classroom™

If you click on the first two (attaching documents), it takes you to a window where you can choose to upload from your computer/device or from Google Drive™ using tabs at the top ("Recent" pulls your most recent files you've uploaded or modified in Google Drive™ and "Starred" are all the documents you have marked with a star in your Drive*--see below):

Inserting or attaching files in an assignment in Google Classroom™

Whatever you insert, it will create a copy of it in a special Classroom folder. (More on that in another post.)

*TIP: To mark a document with a star so it is easy to find when attaching to posts, select that file in Google Drive™, then go up to the document settings and select the three dots that indicate more options. In the drop down, you'll see the option to "Add a star." Select that and then it will appear in your "Starred" options.
Starring files in Google Drive™

Finally, you can either "Post" the announcement, "Schedule" it to be posted later, or "Save" your draft and edit and post later. I often used either the "Schedule" or "Save" feature when I created a post late at night and did not want to wake my students with a notification. Be aware that unless students have turned off those notifications, they will get them on their device when you post something.

Announcement posting options in Google Classroom™

Once you post it, it will appear in the class "Stream."

ASSIGNMENTS: Use the assignment feature to post something that you want to distribute and collect from students for a grade. This should be something that also has a due date. If there isn't a due date or work to collect, consider just using the announcement feature instead.

To post an assignment, follow the same steps as an announcement, but select "Create assignment." You will see a pop-up window that looks like this:

Creating an assignment in Google Classroom™

You have the same decisions to make as you did with posting an announcement: 
  1. Who do you want to assign this to? All classes? Just this class? 
  2. All students? Just certain students? 
  3. What do you want to title your assignment? 
  4. Would you like to file this under one of your topics?
  5. Would you like to attach a document or link to this assignment? (More on this in #8)
  6. Would you like to assign immediately, schedule it, or save the draft?

In addition, you will also need to decide the following:
  7. Due date: You can select a day and a specific time by clicking on the drop-down menus.
Selecting the due date on an assignment in Google Classroom™

  8. Attachments: Do you want to share a document that all students can view, or do you want each student to be able to collaborate and edit the same document, or allow each individual to have their own copy? 
Assignment attachment options in Google Classroom™

If it is something they are going to turn in to you, make sure you select that each student has his/her own copy. (I can't tell you how many times I forgot to select that option and I would hear several students call out, "I can't type on this!!") 

TIP: I mentioned this in my last blog post, but it is worth mentioning again: If you make a copy for each student and you have a co-teacher, it does NOT make a copy for the co-teacher. Therefore, if your co-teacher opens the document, any edits she/he makes happen on your template and appear on every student copy. Several times I had an aide typing the answers onto what she thought was her own copy as I was lecturing. Instead, she was typing the answers on every single student's copy. And do you think those students told us right away? Of course not!

The only fix for this is to make sure your co-teacher makes her/his own copy manually. She/He can open the file, then select File > Make a copy. Right now, this is the only way to ensure your original template remains intact. The students DO NOT have to do this; only a co-teacher if you have one in your Google Classroom™ class.
Making a copy of a file in Google Classroom™
If you have a co-teacher in Google Classroom™,
she/he will need to make a copy of the file in order to make changes to it.

You can review how to create an assignment in my video:

Thanks for stopping by for this tutorial. I will post next time on using the "Ask a question" and "Reuse post" options. 

Here are ALL of my Google Classroom™ posts:

Tips for secondary teachers on how you should set up your classes (pros and cons of having one Classroom per subject or one Classroom per class period).

Google Classroom Tips

Includes tips and tutorials for creating new classes; customizing the look of your classes; adding new materials/online text; adding students; and adding co-teachers, teacher aides, or access for special education teachers. 

Includes tips and tutorials for creating assignments, announcements, and topics. Also has tips on how to save and delay posting and collecting work for students.

Includes tips and tutorials for creating questions, the types of questions available (multiple choice & short answer), allowing students to interact and respond to one another, and how to easily reuse posts from class to class and year to year.

To see all of my tutorial posts for using Google Classroom™, click here:
Google Classroom™ tips from

Google Classroom™ is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Brand Permissions. 

Favorite iPad Apps for Middle and High School: Notability

iPad Apps for Middle and High School Classrooms -

Notability: A Favorite App for Middle and High School Classrooms
As our school transitioned to iPads this year, I've had the opportunity to try out new apps with my students. I have found Notability to be one of my favorites.

Use Notability to annotate text or create original content

Annotate Documents
Notability allows students to open any document and annotate it. And not just annotate. They can add videos, respond with a voice recording, insert pictures, and so much more.

Notability app: Embed videos, images, web links into any document
Embed videos, images, text, web links, audio, etc. into
ANY document using the Notability app.

Create Original Content
In addition, they can create their own original documents and share with others for feedback. Students can use this app to take notes (either by typing or writing) and add pictures, doodles, web links--pretty much anything--to their document.

iPad Apps: Create original documents for note-taking and collaboration in Notability.

Record Audio
One of the best features is being able to record audio, which is linked to the note. During a lecture, students can record the lecture as they take notes.

Students can record themselves reading their essays or other texts to check for fluency (as well as to help with editing--they catch more mistakes when they read their work aloud).

iPad Apps: Record an audio response on any document in Notability.
Record audio, such as lectures or personal feedback, within Notability.

So Many Uses For Teachers, Too
Teachers can also use the audio recording feature to give personal feedback messages back to students. We all know sometimes it's much faster to say it than type it out. Plus, students can hear our tone and better understand our comments.

Teachers can take text they want to share with students and insert web links and videos to enhance learning. For example, you can share text (a story, article, novel) with your students and add links to definitions of words they may find difficult. Use the audio and pronounce the word for students.

If a story has an allusion to a famous painting, you can embed a photograph of that painting or commentary about it to deepen understanding.

Share PDFs You Purchased on TpT
For anyone who has purchased PDF resources from my store on TeachersPayTeachers, you have my permission to use Notability for those documents so you can share them securely with your students and they can respond directly on the page.

Compare/Contrast Any Text
Instead of printing and writing, you can share PDFs
through Google Classroom and Notability for a
paperless alternative. From Compare/Contrast ANY Text.

Any PDF can become a digitally interactive document in Notability.
Turn any PDF into a digitally interactive document on Notability.
From Common Core Reading Graphic Organizers, Grades 9-10.

We use Google Classroom in our district and though we had many challenges this fall, it is nice that we can share Notability documents directly through Google Drive/Google Classroom. Use the "upload" icon, which is a square with an arrow pointing upward to get to the sharing menu.

Sharing Notability documents through Google Drive.

It's OK to Take a Break From Technology
When technology is working, it's a great thing. But, it's always best to prepare for when it's not working. Besides, it's OK to take a break from technology. We all need to put the devices aside and just communicate in old fashioned ways each day. At the end of a class period (when your students are wanting to pack up anyway), let them put their devices away and just talk to one another. I like to share humor with them and discuss it just for fun. It reminds us all that no matter how great technology is, nothing replaces face-to-face communication.

Technology can't replace the benefits of face-to-face communication.

Suggestions? Questions? Your Favorite Apps?
I plan to continue this series, highlighting additional apps such as Google Classroom. Let me know if you have suggestions or questions.

Also, please post below with any of your favorite apps for tablets OR websites you use in class. (We love No Red Ink and purchased a district license this year. More about that in another post!)

By the way, I am not affiliated with Notability at all, nor was I asked to write a review. Actually, I hadn't even heard of it until last spring when another teacher at my school asked if we could purchase the app for all students. This post is my opinion based on how I've used it so far this year.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

Mrs. Orman's Classroom -

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